• Picturesque canal in Haarlem with historic buildings, a Gothic church, and moored boats. Lavender blossoms hang nearby under a partly cloudy sky.

Useful information for your stay

Are you looking for additional information for your stay, parking options or curious about what there is to do in the area?

Junior Suite in Amrâth Grand Hotel Frans Hals with a large double bed, red curtains with flowers, a black sofa, and a black pouf

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about your stay at Amrâth Grand Hotel Frans Hals? In our FAQ, you'll quickly find answers to the most frequently asked questions, so you’ll be well-prepared for your stay!

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A parking lot with multiple rows of parked cars with the setting sun in the background


Would you like to know where you can park during your stay? Here you can find all the details about rates, availability, directions, and alternative parking options in the area.

Parking options
Shopping street in the historic center of Haarlem on a beautiful sunny day.

Activities in the area

Curious about what to do during your stay at Amrâth Grand Hotel Frans Hals? Discover the nearby sights, museums, shopping streets and other hot spots.

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